Ok, so I know I hardly ever blog but this is totally blog worthy. About a month ago I bought this cute little bird feeder and hung it in my back yard. I realized that the bird food would go really fast....I mean surprisingly fast. I didn't think much of it and thought, ok we have hungry birds in this neighborhood. One day while doing the dishes, I saw what was making that food disappear so fast. I saw a dang squirrel hanging upside down digging in with both of it's little hands and going to town! It was the funniest thing to watch. When I told Pablo and Ernie about what I saw, they totally dismissed it and said it probably didn't happen. I was like, whatever....I knew what I saw! Well, today when Pablo got home from class, he said he had some picture's he wanted to share with me. This is what he saw this afternoon... I will call him Fred.
Here we see Fred innocently sitting on top of a bird feeder.... totally harmless.

Here we see the temptation is too much to bear... just a little touch!
Next we see Fred not being able to handle the temptation and he succumbs... not to mention risking his dear squirrel life!
Even though Fred took a brief rest (I am sure his poor little back was killing him from the acrobatic position) he never took his eyes off the food! He is one determined little fella'
He feasted until he was BUSTED!!!
Although, Pablo believes me now and we have proof of the bird food stealing squirrel, I kind of feel bad for the little guy. I think my new goal is to domesticate Fred. I might just be feeding him instead of the birds.
Great pics and funny post! If you look close in the 2nd picture, I think you can see a UFO in the background.
Very funny pictures, but I have no idea what UFO Tim is talking about.
ha ha! that is hilarious. loved the play by play!
ok thats awesome. I think if it had been at my house Bobby would have busted out his "Official Red Ryder 200-Shot Carbine-Action Range-Model Air Rifle" and gone to town on a squirrel.......and possibly shot his eye out. but thats the risk you run.
Yeah, they're cute now, but just wait until they're running loose in your house (see squirrel story on my blog). Now, really, I hate them. Little mongrels. They'll eat you out of house...and home!
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